Thanks for providing your information. To better serve you, please provide our team with further details about your company and product needs. We will reach out to you shortly to schedule a time to meet with you while you are at the show. Thank you and we look forward to speaking with you soon!
Need more information about the SHOT Show? We have you covered!
What is the SHOT show?
Everything you need to know about the show can be found HERE.
When is the SHOT show?
The show starts at 10AM MST, January 19-21, 2022.
What booth can I find Virtus Ammo in?
You can find us at Booth #13454.
Is there a floor plan for the SHOT show?
Yes, there is a trade show floor plan to help you navigate the Shooting, Hunting & Outdoor Trade Show of the year. View the floor plan HERE.
The Best Shooting and Hunting Trade Show
Virtus is pleased to announce the partnership with True Velocity at the SHOT Show January 19-21, 2022, the most anticipated Shooting, Hunting & Outdoor Trade Show of the year.