When you shoot any type of firearm, you should expect recoil. This feels like a kickback or a pushback towards yourself. You may be wondering what recoil is.
What Is Recoil?
Recoil is referred to as the backward push a shooter feels when a bullet is ejected from the firearm. When a gun puts out a force on a bullet as it’s propelling it forward, the law of physics states that the bullet will apply an equal amount of force in the opposite direction of the gun.

Does Gun Recoil Happen Before Or After The Bullet Is Shot?
Gun recoil occurs after the bullet has already been shot out of the barrel. It is the result of the bullet propelling forward. The flinching and jumping you may feel from the recoil do not change where the bullet aims and hits. The accuracy of your aim always comes before pulling the trigger and shooting.
Does Recoil Hurt?
Many individuals believe that recoil is one of the most frightening and intimidating aspects of shooting a firearm for the first time. Recoil is an anticipated feeling you can’t really prepare yourself for, This common worry can possibly affect how the shooter aims, resulting in the bullet miss the target or make the shooter drop the gun. If you are nervous or tense when shooting a gun, there are ways to help prep yourself and prevent missing your target.
How to Prepare Yourself for Gun Recoil
Often, seasoned shooters will say that the first big step in shaking the fearfulness is to get over the fear of the gun as a whole. Yes, this sounds like a simple tip but it is extremely effective. You need to be mentally and physically prepared to endure recoil before it happens. Say you flinch every time you pull the trigger. You can break this habit by getting comfortable and familiar with the firearm.
Here are a few tips to aid in preparation for gun recoil whether you are a seasoned shooter or a novice:
- Practice proper gripping that is comfortable for you
- Practice gripping with both hands
- Master your shooting stance
- Hold a firm stance
- Extend your arms
Practice Shooting Often
Practice shooting often to improve your shooting accuracy, technique, comfortableness, and knowledge. The more you practice, the better you may feel. If you are inexperienced or have questions about the shooting, setting up a shooting range day with experts and professionals to ensure you are practicing safe and correct techniques in a safe area is a wise decision. This can prevent shooting problems and improper gun handling. Shooting lessons are a smart and common decision that many shooters participate in, experienced or not.
Use Proper Gear
Ensuring you are using proper gear and equipment such as ammunition and firearm can help prevent shooting injuries and issues. It is important to use ammunition that pairs with your firearm for proper functioning. Never attempt to shoot the wrong type of ammunition in your firearm, as it can lead to a fatal accident. Additionally, it can help you feel more comfortable if you learn how each piece of your gun, ammunition, and gear work.
Learn Additional Information About Guns and Ammunition
When you shoot any type of firearm, you can expect recoil to happen. This feeling of kickback is normal. Virtus strives to provide firearm operators and owners with the best knowledge of guns and ammunition available today. Our team recognizes the significance of proper firearm training. You can expect Virtus to provide the highest quality polymer cased ammunition. To learn more about the True Velocity polymer cased, high quality ammunition, contact the ammo experts at Virtus today!