Polymer Cased vs Brass Cased
Polymer cased ammunition is quickly growing in popularity, for good reason. In order to make the best decision for your own kind of ammunition, it will be important to ensure that you are aware of the differences between the two materials. This will enable you to make the right decision to meet all of your ammunition needs. If you need further guidance regarding how to choose the best ammunition to meet your needs, our team at Virtus is happy to help! Here are a few important things to know about the differences between polymer cased and brass cased ammunition.
The Major Differences
There are several major differences that occur between polymer and brass cased ammunition. One of the largest differences is a reduction in weight. This will substantially change the way in which the ammunition operates. When you are considering making the transition from brass cased to polymer cased ammunition, it will be beneficial to consider how a lighter weight will impact your shooting.
Weight Comparison
The weight difference tends to be the largest difference between polymer and brass cased ammunition. Polymer cased ammunition is about 30% lighter than brass cased ammunition. There are multiple ways that this impacts your shooting. For one thing, the amount that your ammunition weighs will impact its trajectory. It will also impact the total weight of your load. When you switch to polymer cased ammunition, you will be able to either reduce your weight load or carry additional ammunition.
Heat Transfer
Polymer is a material that provides insulation. Alternatively, brass is a material that conducts heat. When you use polymer cased ammunition, you can expect to have less heat transfer than when you use brass cased ammunition. This helps to minimize heating inside of the chamber of the weapon, which aids in preventing cookoffs and decreases the amount of wear and tear on your firearm.
Differing Environment Stability
Heat transfer will also impact the stability of the ammunition in different environments. Since polymer casing is resistant to heat transfer, differing environments won’t have quite as much of an impact on how the ammunition works. Polymer cased ammunition tends to be more stable in different environments.
Varying ammunition types will have varying levels of accuracy. While accuracy doesn’t depend solely on the ammunition, the ammunition will have an impact. Accuracy tends to be a combination of your gun, your ammunition, your stance, and many other factors. The powder burn is enhanced by the advancements made to the internal geometry of the casing, not available with traditional brass cases. The design of True Velocity polymer cased ammunition was made with accuracy in mind. Read more about Tips For Increasing Shooting Accuracy.
True Velocity Polymer Cased vs Brass Cased: What Are The Best Casings For Ammo?

These are just a few of the differences between polymer and brass cased ammunition. When you want a better way to shoot, it can be extremely beneficial to make the switch to polymer cased ammunition. Our experts at Virtus can help to provide you with superior guidance to make the right choice for your ammunition. We provide top-notch True Velocity polymer cased ammunition to ensure that you can obtain all of the benefits that polymer cased ammunition can provide. For more information about the differences between polymer and brass cased ammunition, contact us at Virtus today!