For Americans across the country, 2020 will be the year recognized for the COVID-19 Pandemic and a wild presidential election. As for gun owners in the United States of America, they remember 2020 as the beginning of the most extreme ammunition shortage of their lifetime.
What Caused the Ammo Shortage in 2020?

The great ammo shortage was impossible to predict. All at once, the COVID-19 outbreak and the restrictions that were put in place slammed the brakes on a thriving and booming United States economy. When the economy fell apart, many businesses that were financially stable prior, nad no choice but to shut down operations. Some were temporarily shut down, others were permanently shut down.
The worldwide supply chain clasped instantly when individuals all around uncontrollably searching for surgical masks, rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, staple food items, and of course, firearm ammunition.
The ammo manufacturers are not the only ones to blame for the ammo shortage.
Civil madness broke loose as it did in the 1960s. Guns and Ammunition were flying off the shelves like never seen before. Much of this was sprouted from fear. Civilians were in fear of the future. This shortage is also caused by the hoarding of civilians. Greedy, worried customers share a piece of the blame. The events of 2020 were extremely motivating for gun owners to stockpile.
In addition, many individuals became new firearm owners in 2020. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) estimated that 8.4 million people bought their first firearm in 2020.
Many gun owners adopted the mindset of seeing and buying no matter the type of ammo, whether they need it or not.
Ammo and gun distributors have been establishing buying limits. This also goes for other products in grocery stores such as toilet paper or staple foods. Without buying limits, there would be outrageous amounts of “Scalping”.
What is Scalping in Economics?
What is Scalping in economics you may ask? Scalping is the process of buying high-demand products at face value, then reselling them at highly exaggerated prices. Scalping hikes up the prices of ammo. Scalping is still happening but it has been minimized with the implementation of buying limits.
Is There Still an Ammo Shortage Happening Today?
The horrific ammunition shortage that began last year continues to carry on. This shortage is predicted not to end anytime soon. It is believed that the ammo and gun shortage will prevail through 2021. Select ammo and gun distributors have kept the buying limitations in effect still to this day.
Is the end of this great ammo shortage in view?
Unfortunately, there’s no idea when ammunition inventories will go back to normal and shelves will be stocked. Nonetheless, consumers can be at ease knowing the fact that ammunition manufacturers are giving their all. They are continuing to produce rounds as quickly as possible, in record numbers. Today, True Velocity is producing polymer cased ammunition rapidly.
What Can I Do To Help The Shortage?

Mind your manners until supply rises sufficiently to meet the demands and avoid hoarding ammunition. In the meantime, start shooting polymer cased ammunition. True Velocity polymer cased ammunition is a great option for shooting or hunting in these unpredictable times.
The sustainable materials are readily available and the polymer cased cartridges demand less material. True Velocity polymer cased ammunition is eco-friendly and created with perfection in mind.
Additionally, hunters can consider trying new calibers that are available. If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a firearm in .450 Bushmaster or 7mm Rem. Mag., now is the prime time.
In conclusion, gun owners will be practicing patience until the market is able to catch up and the supplies are back in stock to meet the demand. Contact Virtus Ammo today for more information about polymer cased ammunition and how to buy yours today.