Traditionally, ammunition has been crafted largely with the use of brass materials. Brass ammunition has several drawbacks, such as increased weight and easier heat transfer. Polymer cased ammunition has been designed to offset many of the drawbacks of traditional ammunition. Understanding the advantages of polymer cased ammunition will often help you to make the best decisions regarding your own ammo choices. At Virtus, we are happy to offer True Velocity polymer cased ammunition so that you can obtain all of these advantages for your own ammunition use. Here are a few of the advantages that polymer cased ammunition can provide.
The Advantages of Polymer Cased Ammunition:
Lighter Ammunition

One of the primary benefits of polymer cased ammunition is that it is much lighter than traditional ammo. In fact, polymer cased ammunition is about 30% lighter than other varieties. There are multiple advantages that can be created from this reduced weight. You may choose to either carry more ammo without increasing the weight you carry or carry the same amount of ammunition in order to reduce your load. This also has further benefits, such as reduced travel and transportation expenses. When you make the switch to polymer cased ammunition, you will be able to lighten your load without decreasing the amount of ammunition you have available.
The design of polymer cased ammunition ensures a reliable source of ammo in all kinds of environments. This design is less susceptible to temperature fluctuations and tends to be more stable in varying environments. The reliability of polymer cased ammunition ensures that you can have effective ammo available when it truly matters.
Increased Accuracy
Polymer cased ammunition is based on an innovative design that is intended to ensure the best possible ammunition. This often helps to provide increased accuracy for your various uses. With the increased accuracy of polymer cased ammunition, you can be confident that every shot will count.
Reduced Heat Transfer
A top Advantages of Polymer Cased Ammunition is the reduction of heat transfer. Heat transfer can lead to many problems with the gun. Overheating can cause an excessive amount of strain to the weapon, which can result in wear and damage to the gun. Heat transfer can also cause cookoffs to occur. When the chamber of the gun becomes overheated, it is possible that the gun will fire when you don’t intend for it to. The material used in polymer cased ammunition serves as an insulator, rather than a conductor. This reduces the amount of heat transfer that occurs when firing the weapon, which prevents the chamber from overheating.

Polymer cased ammunition is crafted from recyclable materials. This helps to reduce the environmental impact that you have from the use of your gun. By ensuring that you use a recyclable ammunition type, you will be able to feel much more confident in your decisions.
Brass is necessarily an expensive material to work with. It can be difficult to mold appropriately, which only further increases the expenses associated with brass ammunition. Polymer cased ammunition will serve as a much more affordable alternative. This will help you to reduce your overall expenses and save a great deal of money over time. By choosing a more affordable option, you will be able to reduce the expenses that are associated with your gun use. Learn more about the pros and cons of Polymer cased ammo and Brass cased ammo.
Learn More Advantages of Polymer Cased Ammunition
These are just a few of the advantages that come along with the use of polymer cased ammunition. When you switch to polymer, you will be able to lighten your load while simultaneously increasing your accuracy. This allows you more flexibility, as well, because you will be able to either increase the amount of ammunition you keep with you or reduce your load. In the ammunition industry, innovations were few and far between. The cutting-edge polymer-cased ammunition design has provided much-needed advances to transform the industry. To learn more about the True Velocity polymer cased ammunition we have available, contact us at Virtus today!