There are several important things to keep in mind about the advantages provided by True Velocity’s polymer cased ammunition. This ammunition is lighter than traditional varieties, reduces heat transfer, increases accuracy, and provides many additional advantages. It is useful to be aware of the specific benefits that can be obtained through the use of lighter ammunition. At Virtus, we are proud to offer True Velocity polymer cased ammunition to ensure that you are able to obtain these benefits for your own particular shooting needs. Here are some of the benefits of lighter ammunition.
Benefits of Lighter Ammunition:

True Velocity’s polymer cased ammunition tends to be much lighter ammunition than traditional brass varieties. It is about 30% lighter, which is a substantial difference. The use of polymer materials helps to reduce the weight that is present in brass bullets. This design enables you to obtain all of the benefits that come along with lighter ammunition, without sacrificing reliability or increasing heat transfer.
Increased Accuracy
Ultimately, lighter ammunition will move more quickly than heavier ammunition. The increased speed means that the ammunition will spend less time traveling to its destination. When you limit this time, you are also able to reduce the amount of time that the ammunition will be impacted by external elements, such as wind. This helps to improve the accuracy of the ammunition because its faster speed will reduce external influences.
Reduced Transportation Expenses
It can be incredibly expensive to transport ammunition. This is especially true when it comes to large amounts of ammunition being transported, such as ammunition that is required for military use. When you use lighter ammunition, it will require fewer resources in order to transport. This directly translates into reduced transportation expenses, which can aid in saving money, as well as making it easier to transport the lighter ammunition.
Reduce Your Weight Load
If you’ve ever trekked across a mountain during a hunt, you know that every pound matters when it comes to your gear and equipment. By switching to lighter ammunition, you can reduce the total amount of weight that you have to carry, without sacrificing the amount of ammunition that you are bringing with you.
Carry More Ammunition

If you are content with the amount of weight that you normally carry, it can still be beneficial to make the transition to lighter ammunition. This change will ensure that you are able to carry more ammunition. If you find that you often run out of ammunition, transitioning to a lighter variety can help you to minimize this particular problem.
Better Range
If two bullets have a similar shape, it is likely that the lighter bullet will have better range. This is just one of the many advantages that can be obtained through the use of lighter ammunition. With our True Velocity polymer cased ammunition, you will be able to improve your range, as well as your accuracy.
True Velocity Polymer Cased Ammunition
At Virtus, we are passionate about providing you with the right ammunition to meet your needs. With True Velocity’s polymer cased ammunition, you will be able to reduce the amount of weight that you have to carry, increase your accuracy, and see many additional benefits. To learn more about the advantages of using lighter ammunition, as well as the other benefits that polymer cased ammunition can provide, contact us at Virtus today!