There are several advantages that the use of polymer cased ammunition can provide. For sharp shooters, accuracy is often critical. When you choose to use polymer cased ammunition, you will be able to increase accuracy across many different environments. Sharp shooters should use polymer cased ammunition to improve accuracy, provide consistency, and reduce the total weight of their load. At Virtus, we are passionate about providing superior polymer cased ammunition to meet all of your needs. Here are a few of the reasons why sharp shooters should use polymer cased ammunition.
Polymer Cased Ammunition Meets Multiple Uses
Sharp shooters are likely not operating in the same environment all of the time. Polymer cased ammunition performs with stability in many different environments. When you switch to polymer cased ammunition, you can be confident that your ammunition will work effectively in many different kinds of environments and atmospheres. Polymer is an insulator, which helps to minimize the amount of heat that transfers around the ammunition. This will help to minimize the impact that different climates will have on the operations.

Improved Accuracy
Polymer cased ammunition helps to improve accuracy. This type of ammunition is lighter than brass varieties of ammunition. This allows the ammunition to move more quickly, which results in less time spent exposed to elements that can cause the ammunition to veer off course. With polymer cased ammunition, you can shoot from far distances without sacrificing your accuracy.
Consistent Operation
The malleability of polymer enables more detailed adjustments and manufacturing. This helps to ensure that polymer cased ammunition is created with consistency. Not only does this help to increase accuracy, but it also helps you to make appropriate consistent adjustments.
Polymer Cased Ammunition Minimizes Heat Transfer
Heat transfer can result in many problems for your operations. Brass ammunition is able to conduct heat more effectively than polymer. This ultimately causes it to heat the chamber of the gun more than polymer. The heating of this chamber may cause a cookoff, which will result in the weapon firing when unintended. When you switch to polymer cased ammunition, you will have more insulation that prevents this heating. This goes a long way toward ensuring more safety when shooting.
Lighter Ammunition
Polymer is a lighter material than brass. When you switch to the True Velocity polymer cased ammunition, you will be able to substantially reduce your load. There are multiple benefits that this may provide. Polymer cased ammunition may allow you to carry a lighter load or may allow you to carry more ammunition. By using a lighter type of ammunition, you will be able to operate more effectively.

The experienced team at Virtus is happy to guide you through the process of choosing the best ammunition to meet your needs. When you want to switch to True Velocity’s polymer cased ammunition, you will be able to obtain all of these benefits for your own processes. To learn more about the many advantages of polymer cased ammunition, as well as how sharp shooters may benefit from switching to this ammunition, contact us at Virtus today!